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177 results were found

A Guide To Climate Change Impacts

A Guide To Climate Change Impacts

Created by partners from across the historic environment sector and beyond, this guide identifies risks and hazards of climate change, along with adaptation solutions, demonstrating the resilience and adaptability of our historic environment.

Acquisition and Disposal of Collections

Acquisition and Disposal of Collections

This statement regulates the acquisition and disposal by HS of portable or semi portable artefacts. The adoption of this policy is a requirement under the MLA Council's Museum Accreditation scheme.

Acquisitions and Release Policy

Acquisitions and Release Policy

This Policy sets out the framework for considering acquisitions and release of properties in state care and how this will be managed

An Assessment of Hobbyist Metal Detecting

An Assessment of Hobbyist Metal Detecting

This assessment to establish the extent and character of metal detecting in Scotland was conducted by GUARD Archaeology Limited, having been commissioned by HES and the Treasure Trove Unit (TTU).

Annual Operating Plan 2022-23

Annual Operating Plan 2022-23

Operating plan for the financial year 2022-23 which covers what we seek to achieve in the financial year through our outcomes based KPIs.