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58 results were found

An Assessment of Hobbyist Metal Detecting

An Assessment of Hobbyist Metal Detecting

This assessment to establish the extent and character of metal detecting in Scotland was conducted by GUARD Archaeology Limited, having been commissioned by HES and the Treasure Trove Unit (TTU).

Causewayend School, Aberdeen

Causewayend School, Aberdeen

This case study illustrated how the use of a planning brief helped to secure the future of a former school building.

Conservation of Phoebe Anna Traquair Murals

Conservation of Phoebe Anna Traquair Murals

This Case Study gives an account of the conservation of the mural paintings by Phoebe Anna Traquair in the former Catholic Apostolic Church in Mansfield Place, Edinburgh.

Cottier's in Context

Cottier's in Context

The case study explores the life, work and influence of the Scottish-born designer Daniel Cottier and his contemporary William Leiper.

Duns Primary School, Scottish Borders

Duns Primary School, Scottish Borders

This case study illustrates how the old high school was adapted into a smaller primary school by selectively demolishing parts of the historic high school to create a modern primary school.

Forfar Academy, Angus

Forfar Academy, Angus

This case study illustrates how a 200-year-old school building in Forfar town centre was transformed to provide much-needed affordable homes.

Green Recovery Case Studies

Green Recovery Case Studies

A series of case studies that demonstrate how our historic environment can make a vital contribution to Scotland’s green recovery from the pandemic and its transition to net zero and a climate resilient society.