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56 results were found

Books Catalogue

Books Catalogue

Our books are telling the stories of Scotland. Our aim is to explore ideas and start conversations about the past, present and future of our nation’s history and heritage.

Building Knowledge

Building Knowledge

Appealing to a wide audience this is a prestigious publication which celebrates some of Glasgow's most recognisable buildings.

Castle Quest Trail

Castle Quest Trail

This trail is a cross-curricular activity covering the Numeracy and Mathematics and Social Studies areas of the Curriculum for Excellence.

Chocolate Casting

Chocolate Casting

How is cast iron made? Find out by using chocolate and sugar to cast an edible object of your own.

Declaration of Arbroath

Declaration of Arbroath

A partnership project between Historic Environment Scotland & National Records of Scotland, this booklet for young learners commemorates the 700th anniversary of the Declaration of Arbroath.