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Acquisition and Disposal of Collections

Acquisition and Disposal of Collections

This statement regulates the acquisition and disposal by HS of portable or semi portable artefacts. The adoption of this policy is a requirement under the MLA Council's Museum Accreditation scheme.

Annual Operating Plan 2022-23

Annual Operating Plan 2022-23

Operating plan for the financial year 2022-23 which covers what we seek to achieve in the financial year through our outcomes based KPIs.

Annual Operating Plan 2024-25

Annual Operating Plan 2024-25

Operating plan for the financial year 2024-25 which delineates what we seek to achieve in the financial year through our outcomes based KPIs.

Archaeology on Farm and Croft

Archaeology on Farm and Croft

This guide is a starting point for those wishing to discover how to deal with archaeology and the historic environment in general in the context of modern environmentally-friendly farming.

Archives and Collections Policies

Archives and Collections Policies

These documents outline operational policies controlling the management and use of archives and collections in the care of Historic Environment Scotland (HES).