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276 results were found

A Guide To Climate Change Impacts

A Guide To Climate Change Impacts

Created by partners from across the historic environment sector and beyond, this guide identifies risks and hazards of climate change, along with adaptation solutions, demonstrating the resilience and adaptability of our historic environment.

Building with Scottish Stone

Building with Scottish Stone

This guide aims to encourage use of stone sourced from Scotland’s working quarries and to provide a better understanding of those mineralogical properties that give each stone its distinctive quality.

Calanais Standing Stones: Setting Document

Calanais Standing Stones: Setting Document

This report considers the setting of the Calanais Standing Stones and offers advice and guidance on considering the assessment of impacts from associated development proposals.

Causewayend School, Aberdeen

Causewayend School, Aberdeen

This case study illustrated how the use of a planning brief helped to secure the future of a former school building.

Coastal Archaeology and Erosion in Scotland

Coastal Archaeology and Erosion in Scotland

Results of a conference held to address the effects of coastal erosion on sites and monuments in Scotland and the best ways of mitigating this recently-recognised threat.