Annual Operating Plan 2019-20

The vision in our Corporate Plan sets out the path from 2019 onwards. This is our detailed plan for 2019-20.

Historic Environment Scotland are working towards our vision of Heritage For All. Our Corporate Plan 2019 Onwards sets out the path we will follow to reach this vision over the coming years.

This is our plan for 2019-20.

The Annual Operating Plan explains:

  • the big challenges ahead and the opportunities for us to do things in new and different ways
  • our actions and indicators for the year - and why they matter
  • the resources and budget available to deliver our vision
  • how we support and contribute to wider national strategies
A child walking into a courtyard through a large door. A keystone shape with the words 'Annual Operating Plan 2019-20' is overlaid.

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Annual Operating Plan 2019-20

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