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492 results were found

A Guide To Climate Change Impacts

A Guide To Climate Change Impacts

Created by partners from across the historic environment sector and beyond, this guide identifies risks and hazards of climate change, along with adaptation solutions, demonstrating the resilience and adaptability of our historic environment.

A History of Scotland's Landscapes

A History of Scotland's Landscapes

These evocative spaces provide unique evidence for the way this land and its wealth of resources has been lived in, worked on, ruined, abandoned, restored and celebrated.

A Survey of Thatched Buildings in Scotland

A Survey of Thatched Buildings in Scotland

This publication is a photographic survey of thatched buildings in Scotland, surveyed between May 2014 and August 2015 by Zoe Herbert, on behalf of the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings.

A Work of Beauty

A Work of Beauty

Alexander McCall Smith curates his own story of Edinburgh, combining his incisive wit with a wealth of stunning imagery drawn from Scotland’s national collection of architecture and archaeology.

Aberdour Castle - Statement of Significance

Aberdour Castle - Statement of Significance

HES Statements of Significance are documents outlining the history and development of Scotland's Properties in Care. This SoS outlines the key features of Aberdour Castle.