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Climate Ready HES

Climate Ready HES

Our organisations first climate change adaptation plan, setting out how we will prepare for the risk and impacts associated with climate change

Our Past, Our Future

Our Past, Our Future

This document is Scotland’s national strategy for the historic environment. Our historic environment is a national asset: it creates jobs, enriches our communities, and helps to tell Scotland’s story to the world.

Partnering Globally

Partnering Globally

Partnering Globally is our 10 year strategy for how we will work and engage internationally.

Research Strategy 2023-28

Research Strategy 2023-28

Our research strategy outlines how we will prioritise research activity and involvement in research partnerships.

Responsible Tourism Framework

Responsible Tourism Framework

The purpose of this framework is to define our understanding of, and role in, responsible tourism. It outlines the principles guiding our organisation’s decision-making and around which we can build actions going forward.