Annual Operating Plan 2021-22

Our Annual Operating Plan sets out deliverables for Historic Environment Scotland in 2021-22

Our Annual Operating Plan 2021-22 (AOP) outlines the activities we will undertake to make further progress in delivering our Corporate Plan. It will support the achievement of its five Outcomes, building on the progress made in the first two years.

Setting out our priorities

The AOP sets out our priorities for the year ahead. These will inform Directorate Plans, Team Plans and individual performance objectives. Progress on the AOP gets monitored through regular SMT and HES Board reports throughout the year.

The final results of the AOP are published in the Annual Report and Financial Statements. At the end of this year, we’ll also be looking back to the start of this Corporate Plan period and report on the difference we’ve made towards Heritage for All outcomes.

Delivering core activities

The Annual Operating Plan outlines our performance indicators for the financial year. We will continue to deliver our core activities and provide support to the historic environment sector as we respond to the impacts of the COVID-19 restrictions in place.

The wellbeing of our colleagues remains paramount as we focus on resumption, recovery and utilising our many assets and skills to make a real difference to people’s lives.

Changes to AOP indicators

After listening to colleague feedback on wellbeing and workloads we have made changes to this year's AOP. The changes include additional activity related to the High Level Inspection Programme balanced by reducing the scale of delivery for 7 of our 45 indicators this year.

The following changes have been made:

Outcome 1, P11

  • Rebuilt volunteer numbers to 150 or more, rather than 300 or more
  • Delivered 60% or more of our Equalities Outcomes Action Plan, rather than 75%
  • Developed an Action Plan based on recommendations from #HistoricScot Forum report, rather than 'Implemented'
  • Delivered 50% or more of high-level planned actions in our Community Support Action Plan, rather than 60%

Outcome 2, P15

  • Regulatory Framework approved by 31 March 2022 rather than 31 October 2021
  • New indicator: "Strengthened statutory compliance by completing sample inspections at our Properties in Care within Phase 1 of the High-Level Inspection Programme and agreed next steps"

Outcome 3, P19

  • Promoted our contribution in national and regional economic planning and investment strategies through a key Growth Deal, rather than in all Growth Deals
  • Developed new grants framework and completed Phase 1 of the Grants Management System rollout, rather than launched new open programme, and refreshed Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme launched by 31 March 2022 rather than 30 November 2021
A child is sitting on rocks in front of Tantallon Castle in the East Lothian

Key Selling Points



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annual-operating-plan-2021-22-v2.pdf (3.73 mb)

Annual Operating Plan 2021-22 (version 2)

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