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153 results were found

A Grammar of Colouring

A Grammar of Colouring

A compilation of the 1800s chemist, George Field, intended to give decorative artists information on the origin, composition and properties of various pigments, dyes and paints.

A Survey of Thatched Buildings in Scotland

A Survey of Thatched Buildings in Scotland

This publication is a photographic survey of thatched buildings in Scotland, surveyed between May 2014 and August 2015 by Zoe Herbert, on behalf of the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings.

Acting with Confidence

Acting with Confidence

A thematic study of Scotland’s historic theatre buildings. In 2008-09, Historic Environment Scotland worked with The Theatres Trust to review the historical significance Scotland’s theatres.

An Assessment of Hobbyist Metal Detecting

An Assessment of Hobbyist Metal Detecting

This assessment to establish the extent and character of metal detecting in Scotland was conducted by GUARD Archaeology Limited, having been commissioned by HES and the Treasure Trove Unit (TTU).

Builders Vade Mecum

Builders Vade Mecum

A snapshot of the architectural and construction industry in the mid-1700s. The Builder's Vade Mecum is a snapshot of the architectural and construction industry during the mid 18th century.

Building Timber and Iron Work Burn

Building Timber and Iron Work Burn

Building Timber and Iron Work Burn - Written for students in the building construction trade, this manual provides a good description of each of the materials timber, iron and lead.

Calanais Survey and Excavation, 1979-88

Calanais Survey and Excavation, 1979-88

The full report on excavations at the stone ring and alignments at Calanais in the Western Isles. The digs took place between 1980 and 1986 in advance of repairs to the ground, much worn by visitors.