Causewayend School, Aberdeen

This case study illustrated how the use of a planning brief helped to secure the future of a former school building.

One of a series of best practice case studies exploring how change can be managed in listed buildings in Scotland.

The completed development, known as Causeway View, was finished in 2016. It shows how a planning brief can be used to help guide proposals, including giving certainty on of what can be achieved with the listed buildings. The project has successfully reused an unused historic school to provide much-needed student accommodation near the city centre of Aberdeen.

These case studies are reflective of our guidance notes on theĀ Use and Adaptation of Listed Buildings.

Find out more about the policy behind the guidance in theĀ Historic Environment Policy for Scotland.

Causewayend School, Aberdeen

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Historic Environment Scotland


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Causewayend school Case study.pdf (6.46 mb)

Causewayend School Case study

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