Annual Operating Plan 2024-25

Operating plan for the financial year 2024-25 which delineates what we seek to achieve in the financial year through our outcomes based KPIs.

This AOP for 2024-25 sets our priorities to support delivery of activities for public benefit in light of current economic developments. The AOP covers the last year of the Corporate Plan through outcomes guided KPI and their individual success criteria.

Front cover of the annual operating plan, an aerial view of Edinburgh Castle in the dark during the Edinburgh Military Tattoo and fireworks going off

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HES_Annual-Operating-Plan_2024-25_Final.pdf (12.02 mb)

Annual Operating Plan 2024-25

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hes-aop-2024-25-easy-read.pdf (1.76 mb)

Annual Operating Plan 2024-25 (easy read version)

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HES_Annual-Operating-Plan_2024-25_Text-Only_Final.pdf (408.21 kb)

Annual Operating Plan 2024-25 (text only version)

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