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10 results were found

Castle Quest Trail

Castle Quest Trail

This trail is a cross-curricular activity covering the Numeracy and Mathematics and Social Studies areas of the Curriculum for Excellence.

Gavin McConnell (1923-2014)

Gavin McConnell (1923-2014)

A series of short essays on the diverse and fascinating work of a selection of Scotland’s talented local architects and architects’ departments.

J & J Carrick and interwar Ayr

J & J Carrick and interwar Ayr

A series of short essays on the diverse and fascinating work of a selection of Scotland’s talented local architects and architects’ departments.

Scotland's Thatched Buildings

Scotland's Thatched Buildings

This report is to inform the designations review of over 300 buildings in Scotland which are thatched or are recorded as having had been thatched. 236 of these buildings are currently listed (2018).