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19 results were found

Castle Quest Trail

Castle Quest Trail

This trail is a cross-curricular activity covering the Numeracy and Mathematics and Social Studies areas of the Curriculum for Excellence.

Declaration of Arbroath

Declaration of Arbroath

A partnership project between Historic Environment Scotland & National Records of Scotland, this booklet for young learners commemorates the 700th anniversary of the Declaration of Arbroath.

Go Auld Reekie Handling Box

Go Auld Reekie Handling Box

The Go Auld Reekie handling box contains replica and original objects that tell us about life in Edinburgh before, and during, the 18th century.

Go Roman Handling Box

Go Roman Handling Box

The Go Roman Handling Box contains replica Roman objects for use in the classroom.

Recumbent Stone Circles

Recumbent Stone Circles

This resource will aim to provide an introduction to a topic rich in imagination, creativity and enquiry.