Our Past, Our Future is Scotland’s strategy for the historic environment. The Summary Baseline Report provides a summary of how the sector is currently performing against the published priorities and outcomes of the strategy, in terms of evidence and data.
The Summary Baseline Report is supported by the Detailed Baseline Report.
Local Digital Format (Rank: 0)
opof-summary-baseline-report-summer-2024.pdf (1.61 mb)
Our Past, Our Future Summary Baseline ReportLocal Digital Format (Rank: 0)
opof-detailed-baseline-report-summer-2024.pdf (533.56 kb)
Our Past, Our Future Detailed Baseline ReportOur Past, Our Future Annual Report 2023-24
https://www.historicenvironment.scot/archives-and-research/publications/publication/?publicationId=4426a5d9-f7a5-40cf-be39-b1d800d9e5caOur Past, Our Future Delivery Framework 2023-28