Climate Ready HES

Our organisations first climate change adaptation plan, setting out how we will prepare for the risk and impacts associated with climate change

Climate Ready Historic Environment Scotland (HES) is our organisation’s first climate change adaptation plan. It sets out our response to a series of climate risks that we have identified that each have the potential to negatively impact our organisation. It is a plan directly for our organisation, though the steps we have taken in preparing it may be of interest to others.

There are two ‘Climate Ready HES’ documents:

  • The Adaptation Plan: This provides an overview of the project, the key climate risks identified and our adaptation response to these risks. This document is intended to provide an accessible overview of our plan, for both HES colleagues and external partners who may be interested in our approach.
  • The Project Methodology and Results: This provides detailed insight (and our reflections) on the methodology used to identify the key climate risks. It also provides the results of the climate risk assessment process, including evidence supporting the inclusion of each risk. This document is intended to provide support to other organisations who may be looking to start their ‘climate ready’ journey.
Front cover of Climate Ready HES adaptation plan

Key Selling Points



Local Digital Format (Rank: 0)

climate-ready-hes-adaptation-plan.pdf (9.85 mb)

Adaptation Plan

Local Digital Format (Rank: 0)

climate-ready-hes-methodology.pdf (9.07 mb)

Project Methodology and Results

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