Go Auld Reekie Handling Box

The Go Auld Reekie handling box contains replica and original objects that tell us about life in Edinburgh before, and during, the 18th century.

The Go Auld Reekie handling box contains replica and original objects that tell us about life in Edinburgh before, and during, the 18th century.

This was a century of real change in Edinburgh and can tell the story of the Old and New Towns of Edinburgh World Heritage Site.

Use of the handling box will allow educators to support learning and teaching in a variety of curricular areas and levels. It will also complement visits to a number of locations and museums across Edinburgh.

The handling box can be booked for loan by contacting heshandlingboxes@hes.scot

Cover page of the Go Auld Reekie Handling Box resource

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Local Digital Format (Rank: 0)

Go Auld Reekie_Object Handling Resources_Digital.pdf (2.32 mb)

Go Auld Reekie Handling Box - Object Handling Resources

Local Digital Format (Rank: 0)

Go Auld Reekie_Teachers Notes_Digital.pdf (2.06 mb)

Go Auld Reekie Handling Box - Teachers Notes

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