Digital Explorers: Fun with Apps and Sketchfab

Are you a digital explorer? Download our apps and explore our Sketchfab 3D models, then use our worksheets to test your knowledge.

Fun with apps

Download our apps, then use the worksheets below to test your knowledge or have fun with AR.

Virtually visit the 5000 year-old Maeshowe Chambered Cairn in Orkney using our iOS Maeshowe app or Android Maeshowe app. Then download our worksheet below and find the answers to our questions.

Download our Digital Documentation Companion App on iOS or the Android version of our Digital Documentation App. With it, you can explore 3D models of Rosslyn Chapel and the Nagasaki Giant Cantilever Crane through Augmented Reality (AR). Use the images below to explore these historic structures.

Sketchfab challenge

Visit our Sketchfab profile and explore our 3D models. Download the worksheet below to explore the collection of Roman Artefacts found on the Antonine Wall.

A drawing of the nagaski crane

Key Selling Points



Local Digital Format (Rank: 0)

nagasaki-crane-ar-model.pdf (631.93 kb)

Fun With Apps: Nagasaki Crane AR Model

Local Digital Format (Rank: 0)

rosslyn-chapel-ar-model.pdf (573.73 kb)

Fun With Apps: Rosslyn Chapel AR Model

Local Digital Format (Rank: 0)

maeshowe-challengle.pdf (226.00 kb)

Fun With Apps: Maeshowe Challenge

Local Digital Format (Rank: 0)

sketchfab-challenge.pdf (182.37 kb)

Sketchfab Challenge

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