These reports present a summary of our activities to support biodiversity over the period 2015-2017, 2018-2020 and 2021-2023.
The Nature Conservation (Scotland) Act 2004 places a statutory duty on all public sector bodies in Scotland to further the conservation of biodiversity. The Wildlife and Natural Environment (Scotland) Act 2011 also introduced a requirement for all public bodies to make a report publicly available on their compliance with biodiversity duty. Biodiversity duty reports are required every three years.
Historic sites can be special for biodiversity. Many have been protected from development, particularly agricultural improvement, which has allowed the preservation of local habitats and species. Historic sites can therefore be reservoirs of wildlife which can support conservation initiatives, with important local populations of plants and animals.
Larger sites and linear features are important contributors to the wildlife corridors which allow plants and animals to migrate and spread as a result of pressure from development and climate change.
This report reveals how many aspects of our function, including the management of our Properties in Care, provide opportunities for supporting biodiversity improvement and understanding.
Local Digital Format (Rank: 1)
hes-biodiversity-report-2021-23.pdf (361.98 kb)
Biodiversity Report 2021-2023Local Digital Format (Rank: 2)
biodiversity-report-2018-20.pdf (259.78 kb)
Biodiversity Report 2018-2020Local Digital Format (Rank: 3)
biodiversity-report-2015-17.pdf (4.15 mb)
Biodiversity Report 2015-2017