Edinburgh Castle Research: The Stone of Destiny

A research report that considers recent scholarship on the Stone of Destiny and attempts to identify and address gaps in our understanding of the significance.

After a sojourn of nearly 700 years in Westminster Abbey, the Stone of Scone was returned to Scotland in 1996. A conference devoted to this national treasure and symbol of Scottish nationhood in the following year gathered together much expert opinion which was duly published in 2003 as a monograph entitled The Stone of Destiny: Artefact & Icon, edited by Richard Welander, David J. Breeze and Thomas Owen Clancy. 

This report revises and updates the Stone of Scone scholarship laid out in the monograph and attempts to identify and address gaps in our understanding about it.

Front cover of The Stone of Destiny, updating Scholarship

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stone-destiny-updating-scholarship.pdf (356.35 kb)

Edinburgh Castle Research: The Stone of Destiny

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The Honours of Scotland Supplementary Information

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stone-destiny-review-new-imaging.pdf (1.98 mb)

The Stone of Destiny: A review of new imaging

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