External Consultation: Recommendations on vision for Housing to 2040 published 2020

Read our recommendations on the vision for the growth, maintenance and sustainability of Housing to 2040.

We at HES believe that a key aspect of delivering the Housing to 2040 vision must be through investment in the on-going maintenance, use and re-use of our already existing buildings and places. This will be essential in meeting the challenges of climate change and our current target of achieving net zero emissions by 2045. Investment is also required to sustain the value of our historic environment and the important contribution it makes to our well-being, economic prosperity and the quality of our places.

Cover for the consultation on Housing to 2040

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Housing to 2040 - 28 Febraury 2020 - accessible.pdf (262.85 kb)

External Consultation on Housing to 2040 - 28 Feb 2020

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