How To: Research

Guides to help you research Scotland's buildings and urban spaces using archives, online databases and newspapers.

Download this series of guides to help you research Scotland's buildings and urban spaces using archives, online databases and newspapers. Each document covers a different element of researching the historic environment:

  • An Introduction to Using Archives, Local History and Special Collections
  • Online Catalogues and Databases
  • Historic Environment Scotland Resources 
  • Buildings, Towns and Cities
  • Places and People
  • Newspapers and Multimedia Collections
  • Using Aerial Photographs to Study the Urban Past
  • Top Tips for Research

These How To guides were created as part of a series for Scotland’s Urban Past (SUP), a community-engagement project we ran from 2014-19. The project supported communities in recording, researching and celebrating the history on their doorsteps.

Cover of a document showing a symbol of a book and a magnifying glass.

Key Selling Points


Historic Environment Scotland


Local Digital Format (Rank: 0)

research-guide-using-archives.pdf (255.47 kb)

An Introduction to Using Archives, Local History and Special Collections

Local Digital Format (Rank: 0)

research-guide-01-online-catalogues-and-databases.pdf (678.76 kb)

Online Catalogues and Databases

Local Digital Format (Rank: 0)

research-guide-02-historic-environment-scotland.pdf (381.40 kb)

Historic Environment Scotland Resources

Local Digital Format (Rank: 0)

research-guide-03-buildings-towns-cities.pdf (246.54 kb)

Buildings, Towns and Cities

Local Digital Format (Rank: 0)

research-guide-04-places-and-people.pdf (268.78 kb)

Places and People

Local Digital Format (Rank: 0)

research-guide-05-newspapers-multimedia-collections.pdf (238.91 kb)

Newspapers and Multimedia Collections

Local Digital Format (Rank: 0)

research-guide-aerial-photography.pdf (2.24 mb)

Using Aerial Photographs to Study the Urban Past

Local Digital Format (Rank: 0)

research-guide-top-tips.pdf (347.90 kb)

Top Tips for Research

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