Climate Change Risk Assessment

Review the results of an initial baseline assessment of the risks posed by climate change to HES Properties in Care. It uses a number of datasets to determine the risk of damage and loss to sites.

This study represents the first step in a comprehensive and ongoing exercise to understand, monitor and manage environmental risk to our Estate. This study is part of ongoing work to develop best practice and integrate climate change actions into our operations, in line with the Public Bodies Duties under the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 and Climate Ready Scotland: Scottish Climate Change Adaptation Programme.

The Scottish Climate Change Adaptation Programme specifically tasks HES with quantifying heritage assets affected by climate change using GIS and creating a climate change risk register for the Properties in Care. These formal obligations are reflected in the actions set out in our own Corporate Plan (2016), For All Our Futures, and our Climate Change Action Plan (2012-2017).

The Climate Change Risk Assessment Report represents the most in depth study to date of the historic sites in the care of HES. The results of this initial risk assessment will provide the strategic basis for existing maintenance work programmes, as well as the allocation of funds for future works.

Climate Change Risk Assessment

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Historic Environment Scotland


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Climate-Change-Report-2018.pdf (2.66 mb)

Climate Change Risk Assessment

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