Annual Survey and Recording Roundups

Discover our work to research, survey, document and share the story of Scotland’s historic environment.

In order to understand the history, heritage and places around us, we have an expert team of archaeologists, mapping experts, photographers, surveyors and more. 

Our research and records of Scotland's buildings, industries and archaeological sites and monuments are shared on Canmore. We also run an engagement programme where we work together with local communities to learn more about places that matter to each area. 

The Survey and Recording Roundups, published annually, are a summary of our activity to research, survey, document and share the story of Scotland’s historic environment.

Front cover of Survey and Recording Roundup 2019-20

Key Selling Points


Historic Environment Scotland


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survey-recording-roundup-2019-20.pdf (13.02 mb)

Survey and Recording Roundup 2019-20

Local Digital Format (Rank: 0)

survey-recording-roundup-2018-19.pdf (12.26 mb)

Survey and Recording Roundup 2018-19

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