The HES British Sign Language (BSL) Plan sets out our ambitions in relation to communication and engagement with the Deaf BSL users and the Deaf community.
We have identified 4 goals from the Scottish National Plan that align with the work of HES and set out our activity over the next four years.
Message from our Director of Development & Partnership, Alison Turnbull:
"We are very pleased to publish our British Sign Language (BSL) Plan 2020-24 which aligns our planned activity to the goals of the Scottish Government BSL national plan.
The plan has been developed with the support and contributions of a range of Deaf organisations, community groups and individuals.
To help us develop the plan, Manjeet Cross worked with us on a six-month internship and we are grateful for the insights into the Deaf community that she provided.
It was our aim to publish a BSL video of our plan at the same time. This and other support work has been delayed due to COVID-19. Even though the video production has been delayed, we remain committed to formally launching our BSL plan video as soon as it is practical and safe to do so.
We would like to know what you think of the plan, please contact us in one of a variety of ways mentioned on page 6."
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bsl-plan.pdf (1.01 mb)
British Sign Language Plan 2020-24